Imagine this, you are a sorcerer starting out of your journey into magic. Now, you meet up with a nasty person who decides that they are going to take you out using magic. This is a very dangerous situation especially if you are just beginning and have not yet figured out how to sense the different types of energy.
How do you know what they are doing to you? What can you do about it?
I'll use a friend of mine as an example, she was once part of a coven but then decided to branch off on her own. There was one coven member who was always jealous of her and took this opportunity to cast a Hex upon her. This was a bad luck hex that would increase her chances of getting hurt. This particular hex was disigned to make her get struck by a car.
She told me that she had a foreboding feeling the morning the hex was cast, she felt like something was coming for her. This feeling of dread did not pass, she did not want to and actually could not leave her home. She was consumed with anxiety and had a sharp nervous pain in her stomach.
As the day went on the feeling got worse and she felt like the danger was getting closer and closer. She sealed herself in her altar and started to meditate.
My friend, who is a very skilled Witch, saw the attack coming. She has been practising for years and can understand the difference between positive energy and negative energy.
During the meditation she saw an image of the girl, and saw the Energy from the Black Magic Hex heading towards her. She immediately brought herself out of the meditation and cast a protection shield that would reverse the hex and send it back to the one who sent it, preventing the hexes energy signature from clunging to her aura.
She felt the energy hit her and she began to feel heavy. She was scared that the shield had been cast too late. The heaviness clouded her for a moment and the negative energy swirled around her, then suddenly it repelled and moved away from her, back towards the one that cast it. After that she felt better and was able to get on with her life!
How did she know that this particular spell was a hex?
Well Hexes, Jinxes and Curses are basically spells that deal with negative energy, they are the most desired skills of Black magic. If you are being attacked by magic that intends to harm you then you are more more than likely dealing with one of these.
Jinxes are little incantations that are meant to bring a person bad luck, they are not as harmful as the others and usually only take effect once. As soon as they are cast the jinx does it's thing and then it is over. How jinxes work is you instill the idea into the subconscious of the person brain and make the event a self fulfilling prophecy. People actually do jinks all the time without realizing it.
Whenever you say "What would you do if...lets say... you got into a car accident?" This subconsciously gets the person thinking about that and when a jinx is done properly it usually makes it happen.
Tapping on wood ironically can dispell jinxes. Firstly, because that is your intent when you tap on the wood so the energy of the wood dispells the jinx. The wood is a natural and neutral entity so by tapping on it, the negative energy of the jinx are made neutral.
Hexes, are a little bit stronger negative spells than jinxes. They work by creating an energy signature that attaches to their victims aura. This attracts to that person whatever the intent of the hex was.
An example of this would be breaking up with one's boyfriend/girlfriend. The Hex finds the person and clings to them, which will do something to that person to destroy their relationship. It is always a good idea to just state the end result with hexes and let the magick decide how the result will be granted.
Hexes are very short lived and only last until the intent has been fulfilled. After than the energy signature dispels and goes away forever.
Curses, are the strongest of these three. They, like hexes, create and energy signature that attaches itself to the aura of the victim.
The difference with curses is that they can be short lived or last quite a while. Mostly they last a long time. Some curses are designed to effect the blood of a person, so anyone who follows in their blood line succumbs to the curse as well, these are called family curses. Other curses are just designed to bring people bad luck for a specified amount of time.
It is very important to train your third eye to pick up on these powerful magicks, especially if you are going to be following any magick path, especially black magick. Down this path you will meet people and creatures who will try to hex, curse and jinx you. It is very important that you know how to defend yourself in the spirit world.
Some warning signs that you may be the victim of a negative spell are:
~Feeling of dread that is looming and appearing to get worse as time goes on.
~Feel as if something bad is coming, but you can't figure out why.
~Nausea and or other ill symptoms that appear and disappear without reason.
~Suddenly feeling like you have been poisoned.
~Feeling frightened suddenly for no reason.
~Throwing up violently one moment, then feeling fine in the next.
~Suddenly loosing your vision or any one of your senses when moments ago it was fine.
There are so many other symptoms, the question is will you know what to do if something like this happens to you. I teach techniques for sensing and defending against all form of black magics spell craft.
If you feel that you are the victim of a black magic spell, then you should immediately go to
and download my e-book, "Secret Teachings of Black Magic." It can help you to overcome all your suffering and even turn the curses back on the person who so horribly wronged you!
Dark casting to all of you,
Priestess Akelta
Labels: Black magic, curses, hexes, jinxes, magic, protection shields, spells
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