The number 1 reason all spells FAIL!!!

I once had a woman come to me regarding my magick abilities. She flat out told me that I was a fool to dabble in magick because, when she was my age, she did it and all it did was cause her pain and suffering.

I asked her why she thought that, why she had such a negative view on magick and spellcasting?

She told me that when she was younger she used to cast spells with her friends and explored the realm of magick. She said that none of the spells they ever cast worked, and all magick brought them was bad luck.

Her and her friends always had bad things befall them, one girl was hit by a car, people always teased them at school and played practical jokes on them, and there love spells never worked on the boys it was suppose to. Her list was a long one, so at that point I stopped her.

I used my third eye to read a bit deeper into this issue. I realized that it was from a lack of focus that all her spells failed.

I asked her how many energy cleanses she did before casting a spell?

  • She looked at me and asked... What is an energy cleanse?
Then I asked her how many focus exercises she did before casting the spell?

  • She said... None, why would I need to do that?
Then I asked, how clear was your intent?

  • She said... we just wanted the spell to work.
Lastly, I asked did you concentrate all your energy on that intent?

  • At first she said yes, then she thought and said no, that at times she found that her mind would wander onto other things.
Let me tell you right now, the number 1 reason that spells fail, is from....


Before casting ANY spell you must clear the area of any negative of stray energies, even if you are doing a curse. You do not want any energies mixing with your spell. You also should cleanse yourself of any negative energies.

Before casting the spell state your intent and make sure that it is clear. NEVER EVER allow your intent to change during the spell this will mess it up.

Make sure that you train you mind to be focused, do as many focusing exercises as you can prior to casting any spell. Make sure that you have a sharp clear mind that can devote all it's energy to the spell.

And concentraite, during the spell you must stay 100% focused on what you are doing.

Failure to do these will result in the spell not working...or worse, backfiring on you. :(

Dark Castings to all.

Priestess Akelta


  1. Anonymous said...
    hi, iam just currius if you have preformed a jin summuning spell. iam a teeneger boy and i would like to know if boys can perform magic.

    Moulana Rafi Ji said...
    Great information, thanks for amazing post.
    Intercast Love Marriage - loveblackmagicspells

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Black Magic Secrets by Priestess Akelta.