Focusing Exercises for Black Magic

I once knew an old woman who was a very powerful witch, she had a secret room in the basement filled with ancient grimores, a huge crystal ball, and a cauldron that was bigger than me. She was a serious witch.

She was also very trained in the art of focusing. I watched her one day move a marble across a flat floor with her mind. She placed the marble on the ground and let it sit there for two minutes. Then she placed her hands close to it and began to focus.

I could sense her energy change, it all began to be solely focused on the marble. Then after a few moments the marble moved and she was actually able to move it around. She said that in order to do that one must be able to focus only on the marble, nothing else.

I know that the last little while my blog has been dedicated to focusing and how IMPORTANT it is when learning about casting black magic spells.

In fact focusing is not just important when it comes to spells, but in all areas of life. If you can master the art of focusing and concentration there is no limit to what you can accomplish, magickally or not.

In this blog I want to give everyone a few focusing exercises to help you expand your conscious to aid all of you in black magick development.

~~~~The first exercise is called Mindful Meditation.

This exercise is the very first step in learning about mindfulness, there are other more advanced ones as well.

Mindfulness is basically being aware of what is going on in your body or in your environment. The Mindfulness we are going to focus on relates to the body. Practising this exercise every day will increase you focus and dramatically inprove the effectiveness of your spells.

This Mindfulness exercise is quite simple.

1. You need to pick an activity that you would like to be mindful of. For this exercise I will pick being mindful of what I feel when I move my fingers.

2. Get comfortable and do not look at your fingers. We want to feel what is happening not see.

3. Gently move your fingers and focus on the sensations you feel. I am doing the exercise as I write this so I will describe to you some things that I am feeling.

I feel the muscles tightening as I bend my fingers, I can actually feel my skin folding and changing shape. I feel it pinching a little in the crease and I feel the blood vessels being constricted a little. Now as I straighten them I feel the muscles loosening, the veins are not as conscrticted so I can feel more blood being pumped into my fingers.

Pay very close attention to what your fingers are feeling when you move them. This exercise is actually very simple but very effective at increasing ones concentration. It can be done for about 10 minutes a day.

There are other very powerful mindfulness meditations that should be incorporated into a daily routine to aid you with your spell casting.

Some of these are:
Walking meditation, where you are mindful of the motions involved with walking.
Sitting mindfulness meditation, where you get in touch with your body and if you get good can actually feel your organs inside your body

These exercises all help to develop ones focus and focus is the key to casting effective black magick spells.

~~~The next exercise involves focusing on a Candle Flame

This exercise involves focusing your mind on a candle flame, and eventually being able to manipulate the candle flame. This exercise relates strongly to black magick becasue eventually you wil learn how to use the flame of a candle to call entities to your aid.

This exercise is actually quite advanced and for some can take a bit to master. This isn't because it is hard, it is becasue our minds are so use to having free reign and being able to do and think about what ever they want. We are so use to wandering minds that really have to focus or direction. In this world be are taught that we cannot manipulate objects with our mind, in truth we always manipulate objects with our mind. Our thoughts manipulate the world around us and the more focused we are the more we can manipulate our surroundings. A spell is basically manipulating the world with energies controlled by the mind.

This exercise helps you focus, but is also can help you let go of limitation.

1. Light a candle in a pitch black room.

2. Stare at the candle flame and watch it. Be mindful of what it is doing. Focus on the flame and do not let your eyes or thoughts wander. This part takes the most work as the mind is trained to wander. At first you will have a hard time just staying focused. and do not think for a moment that this is boring or stupid. If you can stay focused on the flame then you can apply this ability during your spells and make them super effective.

3. As you focus on the flame you will begin to fall into it and eventually you may even feel connected to it. At this point you will be able to move it around, make it grow, shrink it down, even put it out with your mind. Many things can happen.

Just remember focusing can take years to develop, this does not mean that you have to be a master of focusing before you can cast a black magick spell, you can cast spells any time, but the effectiveness of the spell will depend of how focused you are during the spell.

Dark focusing to all of you.
Priestess Akelta


  1. Anonymous said...
    Careful with the spells, that's all I got to say.
    Anonymous said...
    but cool, I will have to give this a try. Find good tunes in the morning meditation.
    Unknown said...
    This is amazing and i didn't know this kind of process because i have known quite different types of Love Spells but i just didn't know about this and i really will give it a try. Thank you and nice blog color and template.
    Unknown said...
    I enjoyed reading your blog. I am interested to learn black magic. i just don't know how to get energy and how to use it. One time i felt like a rain of cosmic energy when i meditate in a crossed legs and hand position but that's it.. Nothing further that I've achieved..
    Moulana Rafi Ji said...
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    Unknown said...
    Brilliant information you've shared with us. Well written.
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