I was looking around the web today, and came across an article about a couple who were killed becasue they were suspected of practising black magick.

It is quite a horrific tale.

They were dragged out of their house brutally by their neighbours. Tied to a tree and then beaten to death with clubs. There daughters tried to help but were overcome with the ruthlessness of their attackers. Later the police came and arrested the attackes for their actions.

This is a true story, it happened in Jharkhand, India.

The first thing that crosses my mind is, where they really black magicians? and if so, where they actually cursing people? A lot of time people who are different are blamed for the things that go wrong, they are made to be scapegoats when really they have done nothing wrong.

I know a lot of people out there succumb to curses and hexes and I empathise, but a lot of the time the wrong person gets blammed, trust me. The powerful black magicians learn how to cloak themselves and usually the people who get branded are the ones that do very benign magicks, such as earth and healing.
The best way to deal with people who curse and hex you is to learn how to defend yourself, then you can deal with them without the law getting involved.

One danger of starting on any magickal path is that there are still fanatics out there that will go to these extremes to deal with people they feel threatened by.

The sad thing is that magickal discrimination is everywhere, and it includes all forms of magick, not just Black. Witches, Gypsies, Earth Magicks, even Reiki energy healing I have had people tell me that it is evil.

Everyday I hear something about a Witch being stoned or fired from her job, or a teacher yelling at a child for reading devil books like "Harry Potter." I shake my head at this, you want to read devil books I'll take you to my private collection, Harry Potter is just a fun story about a kid who is a wizard.

To all you magicians who have been discrimonated against I have some words of advice for you.....

Watch what you say to people.

Don't go running around showing off your tricks and bragging about all the curses you can cast unless you know you can trust the person, and even then be careful. And never threated an individual with magick. Sometimes silence is your greatest friend.

Let me tell you a little about me. You would not suspect me in the slightest way of black magick. I come across as a sweet angel , who is loved by all. I do volunteer work and try to help strenghten my community. I shudder sometimes at the persona I give off, but it works. I am never suspected of anything. I like it this way. I am not hassled by the fanatics or told repeatedly to burn in hell.

Everyone has secrets, if you are going to reveal your craft to people you want to make sure that you are in a position to deal with the consequiences, and remember we all make choices.

Here is the link to the article if you would like to read about it.


Dark Blessings

P.S. Want to learn ways to defend against curses, then head over to my web site at:


My e-book "Secret Teachings of Black Magic" is filled with information on how to not only defend against curse, but also how to throw them back at the one who has wronged you.

1 Comment:

  1. Moulana Rafi Ji said...
    Great one post, thanks for share
    Love Back Specialist - loveblackmagicspells

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